The data on accidents (“The carnage on Indian roads”, June 23) is very disturbing. At the outset, the procedure for licences must be very strict, with no room for touts. India must be the only country where traffic signals are manned by the traffic police.

This is because of frequent power cuts and lack of discipline on the part of drivers who do not follow road rules. The law enforcing authorities must be ruthless. The time spent at toll booths is very high, forcing drivers to overspeed.

AE Charles


Return flight

The Swiss authorities’ decision to prepare a list of Indians with black money and provide all necessary support should come as a shot in the arm for the Government. In recent years India has climbed up the global list in terms of money stashed abroad, moving from rank 70 in 2012 to 58 in 2013. One hopes that the Swiss disclosure will result in the money coming back to India and serve as a warning to all those looking at tax-free havens to park their money.

NJ Ravi Chander


Leadership fit

This refers to the article “A much-abused office” by Arvind Radhakrishnan (June 23). This debate should be taken forward to protect the role of the institution of governor. Many things were left ‘unsaid’ in the Constitution. These included the details about the skill requirements for those aspiring for positions like that of governor and President. The Governor should be a person of undisputed integrity, be able to command the respect of the people and in times of need convince the Centre about what is ‘right’ for the state. The individual should have proven leadership qualities and administrative skills in the age-group 50 to 65 years.

MG Warrier


Nothing left

The writer’s arguments for the relevance of the Left in Indian politics (“Why the left is still relevant” by MB Rajesh, June 23) will have only a very few takers. Communism has lost its charm and efficacy the world over.

The Left in India believes in worn-out ideologies and slogans. The mess it created during its reign in West Bengal is there for all to see. The communists in India can speak their mind as we practise democracy.

CG Kuriakose

Kothamangalam, Kerala

Right tack

This refers to your editorial “On Track” (June 22). Any right-thinking citizen will only appreciate the decision taken to implement fare hikes. The Government must teach the people that they have to pay for services either directly or indirectly and it is always better for the consumer to pay directly.

S Kalyanasundaram


The increase in fares and freight is long overdue and is based more on economics than politics. Our political mafia has been practising the latter to fill their pockets; this has resulted in deterioration in services, safety and comfort of travel. We are used to highly subsidised or free services without considering costs. We want the trains that are superfast, airconditioned, neat and clean but we do not wish to pay. Large numbers travel either without tickets or are highly subsidised due to the culture of freebies inculcated by our political class. It's time to end the free lunches.

S Narayan


There can be no doubt that with the messy finances and poor track record on safety, the additional revenue forecast can be deployed to enhance safety, and upgrade tracks and coaches. But if this is an indication of things to come from the government, it goes against the promises of the BJP made during the election campaign. Now one section of society will migrate towards air travel as an alternative. Hence, it is unfortunate that the marginalised, who constitute the majority, always end up bearing the brunt, however good the intentions.

Varad Seshadri

Sunnyvale, USA