GM crop trials bl-premium-article-image

Updated - June 07, 2013 at 10:10 PM.

This is with reference to “Over 100 GM crop trials pending as nodal body fails to meet” ( Business Line , June 7). Japan suspends wheat import from the US (GM grains) and Canadians take to streets demanding their right to healthy food (against Monsanto).

In India, demands are to save the food grains from rotting; increase productivity by evolving new schedules; rice productivity rate in India is half that of China and about two-thirds of the world average. The 33,000 farm scientists, instead of misleading the government, must concentrate on increasing productivity of native rice, wheat, oil seeds and pulses to get rid of malnutrition.

K. K. Lakshmanan


Farm neglect

With reference “Future uncertain for nine key economic Bills” ( Business Line , June 5), it is unfortunate that the Government has not been serious about timely passing of important Bills by Parliament, leave alone framing clearly defined rules and enforcing them. In the case of agriculture, around six Bills have been pending for over six years. This is the kind of democracy we have and the concern our legislators and the Prime Minister, as the head of the Government, have for the agriculture.

The Prime Minister talks of achieving 4 per cent annual growth of agriculture when the enabling environment needs to be created to motivate farmers to make their farming productive. China, Japan, Israel, Brazil, among others, are far ahead of India in terms of crop productivity.

Amrit Patel


Amway arrests

Why is the Government sleeping over passing a legislature on multi-level marketing ? Let the Government pass an Act saying what is permitted and what is not, so that it becomes easier for the companies and the customers/distributors alike to do business. It’s time the Government and the citizens alike wake up.

Vincent Kumar R.


Published on June 7, 2013 16:40