This is with reference to ‘GST is Gabbar Singh Tax: Rahul’ (October 24). It will take time for people to get used to GST. If we want change we cannot continue with age old tax systems and practices. Modi is at least making a sincere attempt to introduce reforms.

Veena Shenoy

Thane, Maharashtra

Agrarian crisis

This is with reference to ‘The viability crisis in Indian agriculture’ by CP Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh (October 25). The critical issues are excess production resulting in unremunerative prices, and under-production including total loss. The vagaries of the monsoon have a larger impact.

While farmers are accustomed to a particular cropping pattern, the procurement capacity of consumers has increased multifold. Technology should be harnessed to the maximum. An important input is labour, which has become scarce or costlier due to migration to industries as well as MGNREGS. Apart from e-nam, the farm insurance scheme should be revamped to address individual preferences and requirements of farmers.

S Veeraraghavan


Despite all the policies framed by different governments to boost agriculture the sector still faces a crisis. Even 10 years after the MS Swaminathan committee made its recommendations, supply of cheaper inputs, insurance cover for all crops for the entire farming community and MSP are not ensured.

The cost of production has been increasing year on year. The problem appears to be that annual increases in MSP have been smaller than earlier and have not kept pace with costs. The contribution of agriculture and allied activities to GDP has been steadily declining over the years. Even when there are good yields, farmers don’t benefit. Besides, the woes of tenant farmers are not addressed. If this continues there will only be an increase in farmer suicides.


Bheemavaram, Andhra Pradesh

Restrict auto sales

The increase in air pollution levels should wake us from our stupor. Though more people are going green and are desisting from fireworks it is simply not enough. Curbs should be placed on the purchase of automobiles as people with deep pockets tend to go in for more than one vehicle. Besides crackers, the weather too contributed to increasing air pollution and the authorities would do well to plant more saplings and make concerted efforts to green cities. Environmental studies should be made part of the school curriculum.

NJ Ravi Chander


Arbitrary decision

This refers to your editorial, ‘Take it back’ (October 24). The Rajasthan government’s decision to table a Bill to exempt serving as well as former judges, magistrates and public servants from being investigated appears to be blindly favouring the present incumbent. It also serves to protect the irregularities of the government. This goes against the principles of fundamental rights. The Bill should be withdrawn immediately.

Jayant Mukherjee


Positive step

The Centre, having exhausted its ‘other’ options in Kashmir, has decided to give peace a chance by appointing a “special representative” to hold a “sustained dialogue” with the Kashmiris, to understand their aspirations. Incidentally, the Centre’s decisions to appoint the former IB chief Dineshwar Sharma as an interlocutor, albeit not a politician, for dialogue with all stakeholders in Kashmir is a positive step, though the move only half-meets the call but still is well-timed. Kashmir hasn’t returned to normalcy. It’s experiencing a relative calm that can be strengthened by reaching out to alienated groups and formations. In fact, the army and the police leadership have often talked of a political solution. India was also under considerable international pressure to engage with Kashmiri political opinion.

The Opposition too should lead from the front as only a united polity can repair the political and emotional chasm.

J Akshay


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