Baby food vigil

The findings of the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) and the Switzerland-based investigating agency Public Eye show that Nestle has added an unhealthy amount of sugar, 2.7 grams per serving, to its baby food brand Cerelac, destined for developing countries, is a matter of serious concern.

It is heartening that the FSSAI wasted no time ordering investigations into the findings of IBFAN and Public Eye. Much needs to be done to rein in the unscrupulous business practices of food companies.

Indian regulations that prescribe micronutrient requirements for baby foods do not specify an upper limit for added sugars. As the first two years are critical for children’s growth, when children consume a limited amount of food, calories should not be wasted on food have no nutritive value.

M Jeyaram

Sholavandan (TN)

Plastics’ damage

This refers to the article, ‘The battle against plastics’ (April 22). The immense damage being caused by plastic is being discussed by the leaders in a ritualistic manner than the seriousness it deserves.

Many governments lack the political will to ban plastics.

It is regrettable that no action is being taken despite the awareness over the plastics impact on the environment and future generations. Tangible change in this regard can be brought about only by a vibrant democratic and apolitical peoples’ movement.

AG Rajamohan


Young entrepreneurs

The article ‘What holds back a small-town woman’s business dreams’ (April 22) seeks to remove barriers for the young entrepreneurs particularly in smaller towns.

Besides the need for incubation centres in schools and colleges, language has also emerged as a barrier. The participation in start-up or business conferences may not be feasible as these are concentrated in metros.

Dedicated desks must be set up in colleges to provide information relating to the formalities to be completed for setting up start-ups, facility of loans like Mudra loans and seed money, technical knowledge, skills, partnerships, collaborations, workforce, etc.

Language as a barrier has to be demolished as the schools and colleges should prepare free of cost short courses in English and Hindi. Even north Indian schools should introduce short elementary courses in southern languages.

Vinod Johri

New Delhi

Coffee and insurance

With the severity of summer and absence of blossom showers, coffee yield during next crop year is likely to be affected and may offset the current unprecedented price advantage.

The Centre must modify PMFBY to suit coffee crop culture since any adversity in the weather or agrarian issues culminates into low crop yield only after a substantial time gap.

It is essential to realise that a distinct insurance package is needed for long term crops like coffee and pepper.

Rajiv Magal

Halekere Village (Karnataka)