Letters To The Editor: Go easy bl-premium-article-image

Updated - January 23, 2018 at 02:10 PM.

With reference to your editorial, ‘Take it easy’ (August 28), it is not a high demand to argue for the unfettered growth of crowdfunding in India to get a feel of it, and consequently employing corrective measures without constricting growth. The regulators must be proactive so as to support spirited individuals venturing into new businesses and initiatives towards the cause of creation of jobs and economic development. SEBI and other regulatory forums must shoulder the responsibility of ‘Start up India, Stand up India’. Let us make crowdfunding easy.

B Rajasekaran


Smart people

With reference to ‘Our cities need a new leadership model’ by SL Rao (August 28), to have smart cities, people should also be smart. If we as a country had civic sense, many problems related to our environment, civic amenities, health would not have been in such bad shape. We think keeping our surroundings clean is the job of the government or municipal authorities. Spitting on roads and littering in public places should be discouraged by educating the public. Children should be taught about cleanliness and hygiene. They are the best teachers for any social initiative. Many Indians believe it is alright if we keep our homes clean by throwing litter in the neighbour’s compound or on the road. This mentality has to change.

Veena Shenoy

Thane, Maharashtra

Reserving judgment

It is sad that land of Sardar Patel and Mahatma Gandhi has become the scene of violence for the absurd demand of reservation. All kinds of reservations are, in fact, against the welfare of the country. Reservations have been leading to chaos more than delivering so-called benefits. For the weaker sections, more and better opportunities must be provided so that they can rise and prosper. Reservations remind people they are weak and cannot come up without support.

Mahesh Kapasi

New Delhi

Hardik Patel’s statement, “Either free the country from reservation or make everybody a slave of reservation” is thought-provoking. If many other communities clamour for reservation, what will the government do? It is time we did away with the policy and give equal opportunities to all. But Hardik Patel must tell his supporters not to indulge in violence.

S Ramakrishnasayee

Ranipet, Tamil Nadu

Hardik Patel’s open threat to withdraw money from banks and stop supply of milk and vegetables by Patels is brinkmanship. It would be a sick joke on the lower castes deprived of the wherewithal to compete if they are denied reservation and driven to compete in an unequal society. The sub-text exposes the hollowness of the claim of success of the ‘Gujarat model of development’.

G David Milton

Maruthancode, Tamil Nadu

 The Gujarat government has done well to call in the army; it should not hesitate to put down the agitation with an iron hand.

NJ Ravi Chander


For the people

It was reported that the government is going to review the formula for gas pricing in the country because with the current formula where the US gas prices get more weightage, we will end up with $4.1 in India. At present the price is $5.2. It is commendable that the government is concerned about our gas producers and wants to incentivise them with better returns for the risks involved in complicated gas fields. But it will be heartening to see our government working for farmers and common citizens too.

Our farmers have been complaining about not getting appropriate prices for their produce for decades now and the government has done little to allay their fears. For decades, farmers have been committing suicide; lakhs of farmers have lost their lives because they were farming their lands. We were running double digit inflation for 10 years in a country which has a large poor population. When will our government work for the poor and middle-class? We need a government for everyone.

CR Arun


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Send your letters by email to bleditor@thehindu.co.in or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859-860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.

Published on August 28, 2015 15:20