With reference to ‘Remember Marx for the things he got wrong’ (May 10), the biggest contribution of Marx to humankind has been the tools he provided, along with Engels, for the objective analysis of social relationships. They remain as relevant as ever. For example, the application of Marxian logic will clearly bring out the basic class conflict in Indian society which currently remains concealed in caste and religious identities . The ruling class is successfully exploiting the situation to distract the poor from the neglect of livelihood issues and mounting inequality arising from the current mode of development. The formal democratic structures too serve the interests of the rich and the powerful though they give a sense of participation to the masses.

Manohar Alembath



Preserve Iran deal

US President Donald Trump’s decision to unilaterally pull the US out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and re-impose sanctions despite Tehran fulfilling all its commitments represents a major setback in the diplomatic process initiated by his predecessor Barack Obama. Trump described the landmark deal negotiated and signed during Obama presidency “horrible and one-sided and defective at its core” and called it a “great embarrassment” to the US but he did not elaborate on the whys and wherefores.

Trump’s decision, not quite unexpected, may have pleased his domestic electoral base as well as the hardliners in Iran, but it cost the US trustworthiness. The ‘full support’ to his decision by Israel, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates and the plea of other signatories of the deal — UK, France, Germany, Russia and China — to the US not to obstruct the implementation of the deal showed the geopolitical dimension of the US’ withdrawal from the deal.

It is fair to ask what good is it backing out of the deal if nuclear disarmament is a lofty goal to work towards and attain. It is to be hoped that other world powers will keep the deal going and counsel the US to avoid a military confrontation with Iran.

G.David Milton

Maruthancode, TN

The US’ excuse to pull out of Comprehensive Plan of Action (CPA) that Iran can still produce nuclear arsenal is as fallacious as it claimed that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. When others signatories remain positive that Iran would fulfil its promises, instead of contributing his bit to make the world free of nuclear weapons, the President of the most powerful nation on earth expressing his misgivings over the deal is unfortunate. That the agreement was backed by not just by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, the European Union, but also the US itself shows Trump's indifference to what's clearly a breakthrough to denuclearise a country from going nuclear can have wider ramifications for nuclear-free world.

R Prabhu Raj


Healthcare scheme

With reference to ‘Can a cure be found for an ailing health scheme?’ (May 10). The article is a very relevant and informative on an issue which deals with the day-to-day health problems of government employees. The various issues calling for attention are quite relevant now and does call for immediate attention by the government. Two issues which require urgent attention are: (1) Making availability of the scheme (CGHS) in all areas; (2) To make the scheme administratively approachable for all employees both serving and retired with significant reduction in the enrolment and yearly payments. There is urgent need for studying the entire scheme in a comprehensive manner and effect the required changes. There is an urgent need for a discussion with the employees’ representatives on the working of the scheme and the changes required.

TR Anandan



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