This is with reference to ‘Budget ducks socio-economic concerns’ (July 15). One of the main reasons for the country’s under-development is the lack of investment in infrastructure — building roads, improving the health facilities, and scaling up the education system — and not tapping/exploring the existing resources. Investment-friendly policies and removing red tape will go hand in hand with economic development and prosperity. Hence, the government should clear all infrastructure projects that are partially complete or which are in the pipeline.

Another cause for poor growth is that most of our economic decisions are taken with with an eye on elections. Hence thousands of crores of rupees are spent on subsidies and freebies rather than on long-term investments like setting up of large industries. It is rather unfortunate that India imports various minerals when it can very well tap the same domestically. A lethargic outlook towards development by successive governments, corruption and scams have derailed the economy.

No wonder, the people are looking to the Modi government with huge expectations. The country is crying for economic reforms, investment-friendly policies and a strong leadership which can help push up growth. The government should also look at the problem of electricity supply. Erratic supply is one of the main reasons for closure of many industrial units. Also, despite India being an ancient civilisation with numerous historical sites, we are unable to attract sufficient number of tourists. One of the main reasons for this is non-maintenance of tourist sites and lack of cleanliness.

Veena Shenoy


Deferred mission

The deferment of the much-hoped and wished for launch of Chandrayaan-2 necessitated by a technical snag detected in time represents only a temporary setback in the pursuit of our space programmes.

This slight and not-so-significant hiccup should not weaken our resolve to make great strides in space exploration.

We don’t have to feel despondent as long as the moon and our will for ‘tireless striving’ are there. We are capable of setting things right and we will.

G David Milton

Maruthancode, TN

Affordable housing

A recent survey of the Reserve Bank of India, shows housing has become less affordable over the past few years.

It is yet another indicator of the slowdown in growth, including that of the per capita income. By implication, the houses which were once affordable appear high-priced for the middle-income group now.

Eventually, the construction industry would focus on smaller houses, but at the expense of quality, by doing away with amenities to ensure affordability.

Unless the cost of construction is kept under check and the disposable income of households rises, there will be little impact on affordability.

Haridasan Rajan


All in the name of power

With reference to media reports indicating that Navjot Singh Sidhu tweeted his letter of resignation as Punjab Cabinet Minister to Rahul Gandhi, it was satisfying to learn that his open defiance of the Punjab CM Captain Amarinder Singh has finally to come to an end.

It’s a different matter that he took the ‘Twitter’ route for making public his resignation letter, which was quite strangely addressed to the Congress President Rahul Gandhi instead of either the CM or the Governor of Punjab who had earlier administered him the ‘Oath of Secrecy’.

However, it may be quite pertinent to recall that Amarinder Singh had divested Sidhu of the high profile Local Government and Tourism and Cultural Affairs Departments and instead allotted him the Power and New and Renewable Energy portfolio, which certainly did not go well with this cricketer turned politician.

No wonder Sidhu never took charge of his new assignment amidst the stalemate between the two, which obviously created an unsavoury situation for the party’s top brass.

Kumar Gupt

Panchkula, Haryana

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