The initiative taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in highlighting the reduction in the usage of single-use plastic needs to be taken forward seriously by the corporate sector. The responsibility of ensuring disposal and recycling of such plastic could be entrusted to those who manufacture and sell products in plastic packing. The distribution chain used for these products could also be mandated to collect back the plastic generated. For example, the users of products such as water, milk, bread, biscuits, etc., should be able to deposit the empty bottles/wrappers with the distributors of the products for onward return to the manufacturers, who would ultimately be responsible for their final destruction or recycling. Another way could be to set up collection centres at which users can deposit the plastic and earn ‘green points’ which could be subsequently encashed at designated outlets.

Navin Bhatia


Channelise objectives

Before a change is rolled out in public, it is important that regulators define measurable goals unambiguously, evaluate the likely impact thoroughly and perform an extensive market-research. This will help avoid amendments to the framework later. At a time when on-demand/online streaming portals are gaining popularity, it is prudent to focus on rendering flexible/customised cable-TV services at affordable prices. While cable/dish-enabled transmission facilitates ease-of-use for all age-groups, higher cost, intermittent connection losses and noise during transmission are issues that need to be surmounted. With a large segment of consumers having switched over to full HD/smart TVs and HD-channels, transmission/subscription costs have risen as bouquets/provider packs are purposely designed to serve business interests and enhance profitability. Further, not all comprehensive packs, offered by leading channel-broadcasters, are easily available to the end-users. The authorities/regulators must favourably review the base-price/NCF, exceptionally high-priced a la carte channels and GST rates, which prove to be an add-on cost for the viewers.

Girish Lalwani

New Delhi

Transfer of RBI’s surplus

With reference to.'Surplus bonanza: RBI to transfer ₹1.76-lakh crore to government’ (August 27), the RBI’s Central Board accepting the Bimal Jalan committee’s recommendations did not come as any surprise at all. Was there any other option? For sure, a mammoth transfer of ₹1,23,414 crore (under Section 47 of the RBI Act, 1934) in a single year is not only unprecedented but beyond any reasonable comprehension.

It may be pertinent to recall former RBI Deputy Governor Viral Acharya’s and former RBI Governor D Subbarao’s warnings about the consequences of raiding the reserves of the central bank by the power that be. One hopes that the RBI’s autonomy will not be compromised just for securing some short-terms gains.

Vinayak G


Growth push for PSBs

This refers to ‘Time PSBs had an image makeover’ (August 27). We live in a dynamic and fas- changing world where public sector banks have conceded loads of ground to their private sector counterparts. Hence, it’s all the more imperative that they remain on their toes. If today they are facing a huge NPA problem, it a result of both external factors beyond their control and their own faulty credit-assessment process. It’s not that private banks do not have customer-related issues but over the last decade or so they have been able to build their brand, make their processes more robust, and introduce innovative retail products that suit an aspirational and young India. Since these PSBs have been around for long they have presence across the country and hence phenomenal reach that they must leverage.

Also, PSBs over the years have developed an amazing personal rapport with their customers, which remains an USP for them. They should also create their own niche, where one bank, say, focusses only on MSMEs and other on retail lending.

Bal Govind


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