Letters to the editor dated May 29, 2020 bl-premium-article-image

Updated - May 29, 2020 at 09:31 PM.

No time for conflict

This refers to the editorial ‘Chinese Checkers’ (May 29). The statement that “The rise in global temperatures and Chinese-India differences have surfaced at a time when the world should be focussing on working together to vanquish Covid-19” is realistic. The pandemic, which shows no signs of abatting even after several months, but is rather continuing to spread alarmingly is a matter for worry. In this situation, creating conditions of inter-country disputes is unnecessary and concerning..

TR Anandan


Measured response

Apropos ‘Chinese checkers’ (May 29). The Chinese incursion of Ladakh at multiple (three) locations even when it is battling the adverse consequences of Covid-19 is different and more dangerous from its earlier limited military moves along the LAC.

The timing is crucial for India. Economically, India is likely to become the first preference for investment by companies opting to leave China.

Politically, the US accusation that China deliberately spread Covid-19 dimmed the latter’s global aura, even as India enhanced its reputation on the way it is dealing with Covid-19. Militarily, Pakistan, a strategic partner of China, is proving less effective in restraining what the two countries perceive as India’s territorial ambitions. Hence, has China stepped up its activities against India.

The intrusions are most ill-timed for India in its war against Covid-19. The time to devise a strategy constrained by the priority accorded to Covid-19.

YG Chouksey


Yet another lockdown?

It was quite interesting to learn that the BJP plans to hold one virtual rally per district to commemorate the completion of one year of the Narendra Modi government on Saturday. More importantly, the party is also toying with the idea of reaching out to 100 million families, through a letter from the Prime Minister, detailing the policy decisions of the government to make the country self-reliant and the precautions that need to be taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19. However, notwithstanding all this, what people want to hear about is wether or not there will be an imposition of another lockdown.

The possibility of this is gaining more importance as a direct relationship continues to prevail between the number of cases of the coronavirus and the lifting of restrictions to help the sagging Indian economy.

But, mind you, India has now reportedly notched the ninth position regarding number of Covid cases at the global level, which must serve as a wake up call for all of us. Let us get real about the situation.

SK Gupta

New Delhi

Digital boom

One of the big outcomes of the coronavirus pandemic has been the rise of digitisation in different sectors and spheres of life. The lockdown has resulted in a boom in the use of technology. From an ardent spike in the usage of social media to infallible reliance on artificial intelligence (AI), the lockdown period has made everyone tech-savvy.

In the past few months, governments, businesses and other industries have witnessed the power of online platforms, as they helped companies to sell and consumers shop, pay bills, converse, entertain, and collaborate without much physical contact. Along with this, food delivery apps like Zomato, Swiggy, etc and online shopping apps like Amazon, which offered the delivery of essential items, ensured that people were safe and healthy at home. .

Covid-19 has brought out how governments can reinvent themselves digitally. A lot more can be and must be done for the digital revolution to take place. The near future seems bright as the advent of AI has been saving several industries and corporate houses. If used judiciously, AI has the potential to harness newer paradigms for future. This unprecedented crisis should speed up India’s digital adoption. A digitally connected India can help in improving soco- economic conditions of people through development of non-agricultural economic activities apart from providing access to education, health and financial services. It is also important for governments to enhance and concentrate on data security and collaborate with the private sector.

Ravi Teja Kathuripalli


Published on May 29, 2020 15:31