Fuel pricing

This refers to the news item on Parliamentary panel undertaking a study on petro products pricing, marketing (October 20). At present, the government adopts a “heads I win tails you lose” policy while dealing with pricing of petroleum products. The Kirit Parekh report on pricing of petroleum products was submitted when the then government was following the administrative price mechanism wherein the fuel prices had to be controlled through subsidies, which is not the case now.

But petrol and diesel prices were deregulated in 2010 and 2014, respectively, allowing the prices to be decided by market forces calling for non-interference on the part of the government in terms of raising excise duty and VAT when international crude oil price came down and continuing with the same when prices moved up. The whopping revenue generated by the Centre and States in terms of excise duty, cess and VAT proves the fact. India imports more than 80 per cent of its oil needs. Apart from ruling international crude oil price, other factors like exchange rates play a major role in determining the landed cost.

Srinivasan Velamur


Congress leadership

Apropos the editorial ‘Future tense’ (October 20), the foremost thing the Congress must do is take serious steps towards dropping the ‘family-run’ tag. Let Sonia and Rahul hand over the leadership to able-bodied persons in the party to run it democratically.

Unless party functionaries are taken into confidence, the Congress, which ruled the country for half a century, could disappear from the political scene.

RV Baskaran



Revamp needed

The biggest signal coming out of the Congress Working Committee meeting was that the Gandhis will remain at the helm and Sonia Gandhi did not like the G-23 leaders using the media to raise their concerns.

Postponing CWC elections to September next is baffling to say the least. At a time when leaders like Mamata Banerjee are emerging as the face of the Opposition, any delay by the Congress in revamping itself is going to cost the party dear.

Bal Govind


Pension system

This refers to ‘India fares poorly in global ranking of pension systems’ (October 20). During the re wage revision settlement with the staff unions of banks, the Indian Banks’ Association argued that as banks do not have any contractual liability towards the pensioners, the demand for revision of pension along with salary revision cannot be accepted.

Not only banks, other entities too have no contractual liability to support retired people. That makes India different from Iceland, the Netherlands and 39 other nations cited in the article.

PD Sankaranarayanan

Kumaramputhur, Kerala

Tackling obesity

This refers to ‘India needs to plan well to tackle obesity’ (October 20). Globalisation has expanded the horizon of cuisines available in various countries, with India being no exception.

The addition of global cuisines to developing countries has mostly been in the form of junk food, the consequence being an alarming increase in obese population. Introducing healthy recipes and modifying the existing ones, such as using steamed patties for burgers instead of fried ones, can help bring down obesity.

Ramala Kinnera


Farm income

This has reference to ‘Why farm income in India is so low’ (October 20). This is all the more relevant in the case of small/marginal farmers who own less than two hectares of land.

Do our State governments empower small/marginal farmers who are the worst victims of climate change related issues? While State governments are the first to seek Central assistance, they do not wish to face farmers’ issues head-on. It is the duty of State governments to do everything they can to support small farmers and deal with their problems on a priority basis.

Narendra M Apte



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