Muddle-headed bl-premium-article-image

Updated - January 20, 2018 at 12:58 AM.

This refers to your editorial ‘Too much acrimony’ (February 24). The BJP-led government was voted to power with an absolute majority to accelerate economic growth which faltered during the the UPA II regime. Though the government has initiated many reforms and programmes, precious little has been achieved at the ground level. It seems the government has lost steam and direction from the way it’s been muddling through issues that come within the ambit of autonomous institutions set by the Constitution. The political and social climate in the country is marred by distrust and fear. The Budget session is crucial to get the pending Bills passed.

The government must reach out to the Opposition. The right to dissent is the soul of democracy and it is the Centre’s responsibility to create the atmosphere for uninterrupted discussion. The BJP had stalled proceedings in Parliament when the Congress was ruling. Parties must rise above self-serving interests.

Philip Sabu

Thrissur, Kerala

The situation in JNU was completely avoidable had the government shown some restraint before following through on acting on complaints about what’s going on in the university. The police should have stayed away from JNU. When half of India is facing drought and our farmers are distressed and committing suicide, the news cycle is dominated by this unwanted controversy. The violent quota agitation in Haryana was also avoidable; the State government should have initiated dialogue. The anarchy we see is because of the authorities having lost control of situations on the ground.

CR Arun


Simply taking advantage

This refers to ‘A party in search of enemies’ by Poornima Joshi (February 24). All political parties in our country search for some ruse to remain in the vortex of politics by encouraging and countenancing agitating crowds.

No political party is free from fishing in troubled waters to remain relevant. They pick up non-issues and complicate them. It is ironical that the opposition parties not only demonstrate on the streets but also protest inside Parliament. The media highlights their activities which then get wide publicity, whereas ordinary people are least interested in them.

HP Murali


Divisive politics

It is welcome that President Pranab Mukherjee has advised parliamentarians to only debate and discuss and not indulge in disruption and distraction. However, it would have been ideal if the Presidenthad also advised the ruling dispensation to avoid indulging in communal and divisive politics, interference in educational institutions with an intent to thrust RSS ideals down the throats of students and labelling those who oppose such manoeuvres as anti-national.

Tharcius S Fernando


A question of perception

This refers to ‘A monetary policy for and by the people’ by D Sampath Kumar (February 23). The article projects Raghuram Rajan’s statement, made while delivering a purely academic lecture. It fails to distinguish between the status and role of the finance ministry and the RBI. When the finance minister says it is the turn of the RBI to deliver, the statement cannot be equated with the RBI governor’s academic comment on fiscal policy.

The finance minister is certainly putting pressure on the RBI, whereas the governor’s statement can be treated as a comment on fiscal policy which the government can easily ignore. Legally speaking, the government can dictate monetary policy but the RBI’s status is of a subordinate wing of the finance ministry, whatever autonomy we may talk about.

It is true there is a common goal of fiscal policy and monetary policy — growth with stability — but we should agree that the primary goal of fiscal policy is growth with distributive justice, whereas it is price and exchange stability for monetary policy. In their outcomes each complements the other and conflict is merely a question of perception.

Trupti Goyal


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Published on February 24, 2016 16:02