Unity in diversity bl-premium-article-image

Updated - January 28, 2011 at 09:18 PM.

Unity in diversity

The tributes paid to Bhimsen Joshi took me down memory lane to his first jugalbandi with Balamurali Krishna in Mumbai many years ago, arranged by the Governor of Maharashtra, to celebrate national integration. I saw the programme on television. Balamurali had stated elsewhere that they had no rehearsal or practice before the event.

Yet, they sang so well with a full understanding of each other's systems. It showed the unity of Indian classical music.

A. Seshan


Hard facts to digest

The interview with Bhavarlal Jain ( Business Line , January 28) brings out what really should be done to the farmers. The fact that when the onion prices soared, the farmers did not get even one-third of it, goes unnoticed.

The status of the farmer as the only producer who has no say on his product is a reflection of his place in society and the economy. The blockade created by the politicians in the development of Rural India is also noteworthy when every party runs after rural votes.

The agricultural panel headed by individuals not directly related to agriculture would yield no purposeful results. The Nehru-Vinobha story and the foot-journey depict the slow pace of agricultural growth in India.

The suggestion to keep 50 per cent of the black money with the public exchequer, by not declaring names, could be pondered over by the Government and if such money is spent for agriculture, the country would come out of food shortage and food inflation.

C. P. Velayudhan Nair


Published on January 28, 2011 15:48