Robert Vadra, we must reluctantly admit, is right. He was trying to be funny with mango, or aam, aadmi. In English, it may sound a bit outlandish, though fruitcake is close. But it is spot on in Tamil slang, for ‘maanga’ (for mango) is an idiot or a fool by another name called.

Vadra is right, we are fools.

Who else will elect the politicians of various hues who promptly bend all rules and laws their way, if, that is, they were not already made to their order?

Who else will allow politicians to give away to their friends and relatives the invaluable natural resources?

Who else will hesitate to shut the doors on politicians though so many ‘gates’ are ‘opening’ up numbers that makes one’s head swim?

The Roman maxim is that people in high places must not only be honest but also seen to be so! Yet, far from disproving Kejriwal or offering to face an inquiry, Vadra pooh-poohs the charges and then takes a dig at the people. He laughs at them and when they refuse to join in the mirth, accuses them of not having a sense of humour!

And, even far from suggesting a probe or setting up an inquiry committee (which is a time-tested way of burying any thing), many of the high and mighty, including Cabinet ministers, are falling over one another to defend Vadra; the Finance Minister also giving “the individual” a clean-chit suo motu.

So, what does this all add up to? That we the ‘Mangos’ live in a Banana Republic. Indeed, Vadra is right. QED.