The tragedy of MH370 has saddened us all. As human beings, we have kept all those on board, their families and friends in our thoughts through these difficult weeks.

Something terrible has happened on what should have been a routine flight. Much though we would like, we cannot wish the event away. The airline industry, its stakeholders and regulators are at the beginning of the journey to unravel this mystery, understand the cause and find ways to ensure that it is not repeated.

In “normal” circumstances, accident investigations take a year or more. In this case, given the difficult area in which the aircraft was lost, it will surely be a long journey before we can draw any certain conclusions on mitigation.

In the meantime, speculation — of which there has been much — will not make flying any safer. The so-called “black box” will tell the story with the information on the flight data and the cockpit voice recorders. The priority is to recover these as soon as possible. And we should not jump to any conclusions on probable cause before the investigation closes.

There are, however, at least two areas of process — not cause — where there are clearly challenges that need to be overcome.

The first is how we follow aircraft as they move around the globe. In a world where our every move seems to be tracked, there is disbelief both that an aircraft could simply disappear and that the “black box” is so difficult to find. Air France 447 brought similar issues to light a few years ago.

While some progress has been made, it is clear that we must accelerate our efforts. We cannot let another aircraft simply disappear.

Prudent decisions

Even in our eagerness, however, we must also ensure that prudent decisions are made in line with global standards. This is not the time for hastily prepared sales pitches or regional solutions. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has well-established processes to move this forward. And I have no doubt that governments are as eager to reach a conclusion as soon as possible.

The aviation industry must and will play a role in supporting ICAO in this effort with a united position. That is why IATA is convening an expert task force to examine all of the options available for tracking commercial aircraft.

The second area where action is needed is related to the discovery that stolen passports were used by two passengers. This is a matter of serious concern.

Intelligence is critical to keeping flying secure. Security is the well-established responsibility of governments. About 60 governments require airlines to provide advanced passenger data. Airlines understand that thorough passenger pre-screening by governments is a necessary security measure. In fact, airlines go to great lengths and expense to provide these governments with reliable data, including passport information.

Vetting data

But I have often wondered if governments are using it. MH370 gives us cause to ask these governments to review their processes for vetting and using this data — for example against databases such as the Interpol stolen and lost passport database. In fact we ask governments to take action in four key areas:

— When governments ask for passenger data, it should conform to the standards which they agreed to through ICAO. The non-standard requirements of some governments should be eliminated as they complicate the system with no benefit to security.

— We must modernise the collection of data. As airlines are transmitting data electronically, it is time to do away with the many paper forms that airlines, passengers and shippers are required to submit.

— And if we are all on the same page with the elements and format of the data, governments should create a single harmonised window through which the data can be sent.

— And finally, governments should explore how passenger data can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of border controls. We should be able to measure the improvement it achieves.

Accidents are rare. Each day nearly 100,000 flights take people safety to their destination. That is because the aviation industry and its regulators are never complacent about either safety or security.

The writer is Director-General and CEO, International Air Transport Association