FROM THE VIEWSROOM. When the funny bone won’t tickle bl-premium-article-image

Sandhya Rao Updated - March 09, 2018 at 12:54 PM.

Intolerance is real, so learn to live and let live


Yes, it is poor form to deride, poke fun, laugh at… It’s impolite, arrogant, even cruel sometimes. Often, it’s out of line. In the normal course of life. In the life of a satirical magazine whose reason for existence is to stick that finger right into your eye, to make you feel uncomfortable, to ask the unaskable questions, to laugh you right out of your smugness, it is just another day in the office, not warranting the spilling of blood.

Passions run deep, particularly to do with faith and family. Remember how angry Zinadine Zidane got when Marco Matterazi said something offensive about a member of his family during the World Cup finals. There will never be a time when everybody tolerates everybody; intolerance is a realistic state of being. The curd rice I love makes you want to throw up. The Dhoni you adore is another’s bête noire — the list of juxtapositions could go on ad nauseum .

My god, your god, my way’s better than your way… all these are hugely subjective points of view with no basis in fact even if we believe tangibly in the tangible presence of a tangible higher power.

But if I believe strongly enough, nothing will shake how I feel, not even the most biting cartoon. It will only strengthen my faith. I will laugh at you and say you don’t know what you’re drawing and carry on living my life the way I want to, and let you live yours. Alternatively, I may see some merit in your argument, distasteful as that may be to admit, and rethink my position. That takes courage and honesty, but I believe I can be courageous and honest. My faith gives me the strength.

Best though if I had a sense of humour. We could all do with a little more of that. I am sure even the higher power going by whatever name also wishes that were so.

Sandhya Rao, Deputy Editor

Published on January 12, 2015 15:53