Deepti YeniReddy, a graduate from IIT Madras, is the co-founder of, an automated calendar management assistant. Her husband is a Harvard and Kellogg graduate and currently works for Amazon in the US. The couple have a two-year-old son.

With both the partners quite knowledgeable in finance, they are actively involved in making investment decisions.

“We have invested over the last six years in early-stage start-ups in the US, mutual funds, stocks and property in both US and India,” she says. Mutual funds form 40 per cent of the investments while property and venture investments account for 25 per cent each. She says that the asset mix is skewed on the risky side and is slowly being shifted to a less risky mix as they get older. “I am more of a risk taker than my husband,” she says.

The couple plan to retire in India, but currently only about 30-40 per cent of their assets are invested in India. One reason for the lower share is because her parents are also making investments from their own savings in her name. “If we include that, it may be an even split,” she says. Her parents also advise and help her in buying and maintaining property.

All their investments have done well so far, she notes. Still, she is starting to feel a time crunch to track investments and find new ideas. “I may consider taking the help of an advisor if I am unable to give my investments a fair share of time,” she says.