Going on vacation is supposed to be a way to unwind, relax and forget about life’s worries.

But leaving your home locked up and empty can be a source of stress, especially when you’re away for a prolonged period. So, before you head out, go the extra mile beyond merely locking the doors and windows to ensure that your home will be intact upon your return.

Leave no signs If you’re going to be away for more than two or three days, don’t leave any hints for potential burglars that you’re gone.

For one, make arrangements for your newspaper and mail deliveries to be stopped or picked up by a trusted neighbour, so there isn’t a pile of papers to indicate that the occupant of the house is absent. At night, it’s easy to identify an unoccupied house if the lights are out. So, it’s important to make it look like there’s someone at home.

One good way to do this is to get a digital timer hooked up to your electrical system, which will turn various lights on and off at times fixed by you. These are not cost-prohibitive, being available for as little as ₹1,411 if you’re purchasing an unbranded timer switch. You’d have to shell out a higher amount of ₹2,400 for a branded Havells light timer switch.

Else, have your neighbour turn on your outside lights as well as one or two indoors to make it look like someone’s at home. It also makes sense to turn off the volume on your phone or answering machine to ensure that it doesn’t keep ringing and make it seem as though nobody’s home.

Another thing you can do when your vacation draws near is to inform the police of your travel plans.

Have it monitored Submit a request in writing to the head of your local police station for the beat policeman to do regular rounds of your house while you’re away, providing the exact dates for your departure and return. This can serve as a strong deterrent to thieves who might notice your house is unoccupied. But the policeman is unlikely to be around all the time, so it’s important to rope in your neighbours’ help as well.

You should also make your house less of an attractive target by moving valuables such as jewellery, property or financial documents and cash to a safe deposit locker, or even putting it in a locked suitcase and leaving it at a friend or relative’s house. This ensures that even in a worst case scenario, you don’t suffer an undue loss due to burglary.

You could even leave a key with a trusted friend who can have access to your house if needed.

Other precautions A car parked in your driveway could also convince unsavoury elements that your house is not an easy target. Have a neighbour park his car in your space in case you are using your car for your vacation. And in case your area has seen a spate of theft-related crimes, opt for a burglar alarm system with 24x7 monitoring as another level of deterrent.

Lastly, don’t leave any valuables in plain sight before you venture out. Lock up all tools and ladders that could be used to gain entrance to your house.

And after locking the doors, don’t do something silly like leaving a key under a flower pot!