In last week’s bl.portfolio edition we had given an analysis of the trend in underlying stocks and the breadth or lack of it of this bulldozing market rally with multiple indices hovering near all time highs. We provide more details here of some of the best performing stocks and also those that may be enduing FOLO or the ‘feeling of left out’

So let’s explore the constituents within the broad-based S&P BSE All-Cap index that are trading close to their all-time highs (ATH) and those struggling way below their life-time highs. The charts below indicate how far away (in percentage terms) the stocks are from their life-time highs. Do note some of the struggling stocks may have fared well over the recent year, but no so well over the long term when you consider their historic peaks. For small-cap stocks we have considered only stocks with market-cap above ₹1,000 crore for this analysis.

Large-cap stocks near all time highs
Languishing large-cap stocks
Mid-cap stocks near all time highs
Languishing mid-cap stocks
Small-cap stocks near all time highs
Languishing small-cap stocks