Here’s a challenge. Using the five clues below, identify the company that is being talked about here

1. I am the market leader in my product segments, which have less than 20 per cent penetration compared to over 80 per cent in developed economies.

2. One of my subsidiaries accounts for 25 per cent of my profit but has single-digit share of my revenues.

3. I did deliver 7 times shareholder return during the first term of present Central government and zero returns in the current second term in spite of triple digit PE multiple valuation currently.

4. All my 7 board members cumulatively own only 1 share.

5. Though I have excess cash in my balance sheet, my promoters are heavily leveraged. Hence, they may dilute their stake to a simple majority from the maximum permissible stake that they hold now.

Last week’s stock: GNFC

Last week’s winner: Dinesh Sridhar