Here’s a challenge. Using the five clues below, identify the company that is being talked about here

1. I have taken more than 3 decades to reach a billion-dollar revenue. I am working hard to get the next billion in the next 5 years.

2. My billionaire promoter has several businesses across the world, I am the largest of them.

3. Though I remain a small-cap stock, I am one of the top 3 players in the world in my primary business.

4. I have delivered more than 20 per cent CAGR to my shareholders over the last 3/5/10 years in spite of being in a volatile business where 50 per cent annual volatility in raw material is common.

5. While annual reports of Indian corporates usually have shareholder letters from Chairman and CEO, mine has a communication from independent director as well. I have also been adjudged as one of the best managed companies for consecutive years by a highly respected organisation.

Send your answers by Wednesday 6 p.m. to, with your full name, postal address and phone number. A lucky winner in each week will get a book sponsored by UNIFI Capital as a reward.

Last week’s stock: NIIT

Last week’s winner: A.R.Srinivas