The outlook for Suzlon Energy (₹15.30) is weak. The stock finds crucial support at ₹13.65. However, a close above ₹15.70 will change the immediate outlook to positive. In such an event, the stock cantrend up to ₹17.40 and ₹18.90. Only a close above ₹23 will change the medium-term outlook to positive, and that could lift the stock to ₹29.15.

F&O pointers: The Suzlon August futures witnessed unwinding of positions in the last two days. From a high of 52.18 crore shares on Wednesday, open interests slipped to 49.45 crore shares along with fall in share price. Concentration of open interests at ₹17.50-strike signals that Suzlon can face a strong resistance at that level.

Strategy: We advice traders to go long on Suzlon Energy, whose market lot is 30,000 shares. Stop-loss can be placed at ₹14.5 initially; this can be shifted to ₹15.25 if Suzlon closes above ₹15.7.

While conservative traders can aim for an initial target of ₹17.40, traders with a high-risk appetite can even aim for a better target of ₹18.9, by rolling over the positions for successive months.

Trading in Suzlon Energy is highly risky, as the market lot is huge, and that means higher margin commitments. So, this strategy is for traders who have deep pockets to withstand wild swings. Others can stay away from this.

Follow-up: Hold Dabur with a stop-loss at ₹296.