Your journey in the financial services space

While pursuing my CA, I started working with HDFC Ltd. The foundation of India’s first Credit Bureau was being discussed in Parliament and the RBI and I got an opportunity to work as part of the pioneer team that established CIBIL in 2000. Since then, it’s been a phenomenal journey to witness the evolution in the retail lending sector in our country, supported and catalysed by the credit information infrastructure.

CIBIL has not only set up the fundamental credit information infrastructure in India but also helped drive access to credit for the end-consumer and catalysed financial inclusion. Today, I’m proud that I’m an integral part of the journey that has helped drive financial inclusion and access to credit.

Investment mantras that have worked for you

Defining your financial objectives and preparing a long-term plan is most critical for financial success. Set finances aside for aspirations like buying a home, car, kitty for retirement and similar financial goals.

Along with your income, your savings rate must increase every year. Being conservative and choosing low-risk investment options, while you are young, may not provide the momentum required for long-term aspirations.

Choose diversified equity funds and build a strong equity portfolio.Also remember to keep a close tab on your obligations — the loans or credit cards you have got, how well you are servicing them and how much is your credit score.

Your worst investment decision:

Planning to start invest a little late has been my worst financial decision. It’s important to start saving early. Start small but start early.

How do you balance work and life?

Technology comes to my rescue. In today’s world, technology is a great boon for working professionals. Geography or time is not a constraint anymore with seamless mobile connectivity and service infrastructure to support work life balance.

This enables me to strike a balance between professional and personal commitments.