Latest research reveals that ocean-based climate solutions can deliver up to 35 per cent cut in greenhouse gas emissions and help in limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees C by 2050.

A study commissioned by the-High Level International Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy is revealing. It envisages great potential in tapping ocean-based renewable energy including offshore wind, floating solar and tidal power to mitigate climate change. It is estimated that energy from the oceans could cut greenhouse gas emissions annually by 3.60 gigatonnes by 2050.

The oceans, the research notes, can be tapped as a source of food and proteins in the future. Algae, fish and invertebrates like shell fish are not only less land intensive but require fewer resources like meat and poultry. Including sustainable, “blue” foods into global diets is what is recommended.

The oceans, the research notes, can be tapped as a source of food and proteins in the future. 

The oceans, the research notes, can be tapped as a source of food and proteins in the future.  | Photo Credit: DAVID GRAY

Currently, international shipping carries 80 per cent of the trade between nations. Decarbonizing ocean-based transport has to be pushed by implementing energy efficiency protocols. Ships will have to be redesigned to reduce emissions. According to the report, coastal and marine tourism needs to be made more sustainable since it constitutes 50 % of total global tourism. Decarbonization of the tourism industry could start with the use eco-friendly fuel to transport visitors to different parts of the globe.

Humankind will be doing the world a favour if it preserves and nourishes ecosystems such as mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and tidal marshes which are powerful carbon sinks that can store carbon per area than tropical forests. This makes them an important ally in tackling the climate crisis. The ocean obviously has several solutions to offer which sufficient attention has not been paid to.