Name of the Company: Polar Bear International

Set up in: India and UAE. In India will move to T- Hub at the IIT-Hyderabad campus when it officially opens in 2015.

Based in: Boston, USA

Founder: Sandra Riedel; Co-Founder Shiva Balivada

Funding received: $1,000,000 plus

What it does:  a) Offers customised biodegradable fabric products with an optional nanotechnology coating.

 b) Aims to transform how the world shops by helping customers who want to change their daily habits to ‘Save the World’.

How it does it:  Connects to customers who are environmentally conscious, designs products to  suit  their requirements and sources the items for the production.

The items are made with biodegradable fabric, thus helping reduce plastic waste.

Big Moment: Received endorsements from many international, national and local companies. 

Acquired top clients like International Seafood Professionals, Big Basket, Wockhardt Foundation, Uorganica and QNET. 

Impact:  Aims to save the world, one shopping bag at a time. 

Make people realise that plastic is not biodegradable and can create harm to the environment, animals and our health.

Vision:  To use nano materials in its business and make better use of biodegradable fabric products.

Thus Polar Bear offers fabric that is water repellent, stain resistant, germ free and machine washable in a range of price points.