Come March 2023 and more than 500 schools in Telangana will be powered by grid connected rooftop solar energy as a part of the plan to provide solar power to 1,521 government schools across the State. Thus far more than 100 schools have been solarised.

“This solar energy initiative in schools is part of the Telangana government’s programme aimed at adapting green energy initiatives in the State and initiating children into being green ambassadors,” says N Janaiah, Vice-Chairman and MD of the Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation,

The 1,521 schools with a capacity of 3 MW are expected to generate 45 lakh units of power per annum. Based on the average cost of service at the present tariff rate, more than ₹4 crore will be saved per year. Each unit is expected to serve for over 25 years and investment will be recovered within five to six years.

Significantly, during summer and other holidays when the schools are not consuming power, they will be able to generate revenues for the school. Each school will have a connected load in the range of 3 KW to 10 KW, depending on whether it is a primary, upper primary or a high school. With about 300 sunny days in a year, these schools will have a dependable source of power, be sustainable and provide additional financial benefit to school managements.

There are other benefits too. Explains Janaiah: “The utilisation of solar energy will indirectly encourage students to learn about the importance of sustainability and green power. They will in turn serve as green warriors and encourage solar energy adoption at their homes, colonies and in their villages.”

BEE initiative

Under the initiative of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), 214 Energy clubs have been functioning in schools in Telangana. They inculcate energy saving habits among the children and encourage adoption of energy saving practices such as usage of LED bulbs and opting for star rated appliances at home.

Janaiah says the idea is to make Telangana a role model in solar energy adoption. Several State government offices are now switching to solar and this, according to him, is a continuous process to provide impetus to green energy usage.