Microsoft has expanded its India Development Centre (IDC) in NCR. Over the past two decades, The Microsoft IDC has been growing its footprint in India across cities like Hyderabad, followed by Bengaluru and most recently, its third campus in Noida was inaugurated earlier this year in January 2021. Now, the Noida facility at KP Towers has been further expanded. The newest worksite is spread across 150,000 square feet and built to drive digital innovation through expanded teams in Cloud & AI, Experiences and Devices Group, Microsoft Digital Teams, and the new Gaming division have a growing presence in India.

Inclusive move

Tata Steel’s West Bokaro Division has onboarded 14 transgenders as Heavy Earth Moving Machinery Operators at its mines. This initiative not only aims to break the glass ceiling but also targets to mainstream transgenders in the society. The company said it was part of its move to build a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Recently, Tata Steel’s West Bokaro Division had also onboarded 17 women as HEMM operators under its Women@Mines initiative.

Coworking spaces to grow

Flexible workspaces are the preferred way to adopt the hybrid work model in a post-pandemic world, compared to options like changing existing office layouts or the hub-and-spoke model, according to CII Anarock’s latest report ‘Workplaces of the Future’. In an ANAROCK LinkedIn survey, 46 per cent of respondents chose coworking spaces for adopting hybrid work model; 30 per cent voted for the hub-and-spoke model, 24 per cent for existing office layout changes. This, among other factors, will potentially double the market size of coworking spaces over the next five years at a CAGR of 15 per cent reveals the latest report.