Mobile app usage statistics seem to have been mixed over the years. Even among utility-centric consumer apps, many of us can handle a few before they become a distraction. When CleverTap launched its platform, it was to make mobile app engagement “relevant, contextual and personal”.

At the time, a shift to app-only business models was adding pressure for marketers who needed to establish connect with end users.

Anand Jain, co-founder, explains, “If you read a particular publication, and you follow only sports, ideally the app should bring that up first. Earlier, there was no way to understand consumer behaviour across apps so that push notifications are relevant.”

Making sense

CleverTap, a mobile app engagement platform, sends out around 125 million push notifications a day for its clients. Out of 2,700 clients, India and the US account for 40 per cent each and other geographies for the balance.

The company says it has achieved a reach across 750 million devices cumulatively.

“I don't think app usage is on the decline. In fact, across the board we've seen that app usage frequency and time spent in the app are on the rise… our clients use CleverTap to retain and engage their users. News and food delivery apps are used almost daily, while movie ticketing apps are used once or twice a week,” says Jain.

Firm ground

Work on the platform began in mid-2013 and the company launched the platform in September 2015. Nearly 70 per cent of CleverTap’s clients are start-ups, according its founders. With user bases of start-ups being relatively small, CleverTap has found it easier to see the concrete impact a client’s engagement campaigns have on user retention and conversion.

Being in the business of helping clients figure out how their apps are performing – whether these apps are able to retain their end users or tracking the uninstalling of apps – CleverTap has to ensure it’s on stable ground.

The company currently allows start-up clients to sign up for free, and send up to 10 million events a month. This seems to have helped client retention. But in what can be seen as a next phase of growth, Jain and his co-founders are looking at serving large enterprises. As a B2B SaaS start-up, CleverTap makes revenues from software subscriptions.

Large enterprises will be signed on with a custom pricing plan ranging from $10,000-35,000 a month.

On maintaining a foothold, Jain says, “I'd say about 90 per cent of our clients came in through word of mouth. We've started building our sales team only as recent as three months ago. We’ve spent three years in building new features at a rapid pace and making the platform solid and secure.”