There was a time when the people of Sihali Jageer made a living out of stealing from trucks passing through their village. Today, this gram panchayat boasts some of the best plant nurseries in the country and a number of multimillionaire families.

Of the over 2,000 households in this western Uttar Pradesh village, 65 per cent has land holdings and 90 per cent nurtures nurseries big or small. Part of Amroha district and with a population of 14,000, it falls en route from Gajraula to Hasanpur. “We provide employment to daily wagers from at least eight other villages in the vicinity,” says Sartaj Khan, an ex-serviceman who resides here.

The beginnings of this success story can be traced back several years to Naushey Khan, then a small-time farmer, who planted the first sapling — that of a eucalyptus tree.

When his daughter was born, Khan realised he had to augment his income in order to save for her marriage. He came across a cultivator who had amassed good profit from the eucalyptus trees he had grown on the fringes of his farm. Khan decided to do the same.

He started by planting 200 saplings, costing 50 paisa each, in anticipation that the trees would grow to the appropriate height by the time his daughter reached the age of marriage. But by then his interest in saplings grew as well and he began experimenting with rose saplings and, soon after, many other plant varieties.

He then shifted from farming to nurturing plants and also started supplying saplings to others. Today, he owns five nurseries in his village and two in Delhi. “There was a time I moved around on a worn-out bicycle. Today every family member has a four-wheeler and is educated,” he says. Although Khan hesitates to reveal his income, he is known to have clients across the country. He stocks everything from flowering plants to ornamental shrubs and greens, climbers, bonsai and several exotic plant varieties.

He has also ventured into landscape designing and development and maintenance of plants. An unassuming man, he carries out the detailed tasks by himself. He can often be seen dressed in a simple attire, passionately watering and nurturing the plants he has developed over the years with sweat and toil. “There is something in the soil here. You sow anything and the seeds will start germinating within 24 hours,” he remarks.

His brother Zubair Khan and his nine sons also own nurseries with clientele from far and wide. They, too, take up greening projects for five-star hotels, hospitals and other complexes at prime locations in and outside the State.

According to Sartaj Khan, at least 40 villagers own nurseries and supply plants to other nurseries. He says nurseries that depend on others for supply or sale of saplings do not earn as much, but still manage to make a good living.

Naushey Khan’s success story inspired not only his brothers and relatives, but also almost every family which had even a bigha or two of land in his village and several neighbouring villages as well. As you drive down from Gajraula to Hasanpur, for miles you can see blooming nurseries on both sides of the road.

A testimony to the growing prosperity of the region is the presence of more than one bank here. Apart from Prathama Bank, HDFC started a branch two years ago and now, according to villagers, State Bank of India is looking to open its wing.

Naushey Khan’s son Rashid is proud of his father’s achievement, not just in growing a business but also spreading greenery. He is busy trying to develop a fancy plant, one which he believes will make people stop in their tracks. He, however, refuses to share more details. But, obviously, it is this passion in the new generation to spread greenery and develop new varieties that ensures a sound future for the people of Sihali Jageer.

The writer is a senior journalist based in Delhi