Don’t limit yourself to the coral reefs off scenic islands. Here are four offbeat diving destinations that are worth giving up that postcard-perfect beachside for.

Silfra, Iceland Iceland with its icy cold waters wouldn’t exactly come to mind when thinking of diving, but it is home to Silfra. The point where the Eurasian and American tectonic plates meet is Silfra Ravine, located in the National Park Thingvellir near Reykjavik. This crack in the face of the earth is filled with clear water, offering near-perfect visibility and a chance to see a colourscape that is like nothing on land.

Yongala, Australia The wrecks of the SS Yongala, which capsized in 1911 off the coast of Cape Bowling Green in Queensland, Australia, is considered one of the world’s greatest diving sites. At 110 metres long, it is one of the biggest and most intact historic shipwreck.

Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico The Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico has everything an adventurous diver could ask for – shipwrecks, atmospheric caves and cenotes (sinkholes created when land collapses). Cave diving among these limestone stalactites and stalagmites with clear, azure waters is worth putting on your bucket list.

Daymaniyat Islands, Oman The relatively unexplored coast of Oman holds many secrets for the adventurous diver, including whale sharks, stingrays and reef sharks. The Daymaniyat Islands are the best place along the coast to experience coral reefs and drop offs, with very few tourists.