Imagine a holiday where instead of scouring options and picking through a multitude of choices, everything is planned as per your taste. You wake up in a hotel room, but you’re served coffee just the way you like it; you’re served the kind of food you want, the experiences are all suited to your taste, you’re on holiday and doing everything you love. Welcome to the world of bespoke holidays.

In an age where ‘twitpic or it didn’t happen’ is a mantra to live by and your life is basically a showreel of Instagram posts, your holiday is measured by how much envy your social media posts generate. There’s nothing like an exclusive experience, something created just for you, to get some eyeballs. And why look to the world when there’s a whole unexplored subcontinent at the doorstep. Skip the paperwork and the endless wait for visas; dive into what India has to offer, and do it your way.

That’s the thing about bespoke holidays, even the most clichéd locations can become a whole new experience when tailored to focus on your likes and dislikes. Take Jaipur, for example. The Pink City with its majestic palaces and old-world charm has plenty to offer travellers, but it was a whole other world for a family that went there for Holi. It wasn't just another colours and bhaang deal, it was playing Holi with the royal family! Narrating the story, James Jayasundera of Ampersand Travels says all over India, such ideas abound.

While Jayasundera is emphatic that Ampersand won’t start planning an itinerary unless they are able to speak to the client, if not meet in person, Silki Sehgal, director of corporate communications at the Oberoi Group, believes that experiences can be created keeping the destination in mind.

According to Marion Miller, director, Bespoke Collection India from Micato, one of the world’s best safari outfitters, there is much to be discussed before customising a trip. “When agents contact us on behalf of their client,” says Miller, “we suggest a conference call with the guest, we find out where they have travelled to before, what their favourite vacation was so far, what is important to them. Do they like spirituality? Do they like to give back? Sometimes, when guests are not too forthcoming, we adapt on the ground. But knowing more in advance helps enhance the quality of the programme.”

For those with a penchant for the wild side, India is paradise. If a Royal Bengal tiger sighting is what you’re looking for then Ranthambhore National Park in Rajasthan tops the list. But don’t worry about roughing it out in the jungle, Oberoi Vanyavilas is only 10 minutes away and you can, between jungle tours, recharge your batteries in one of their luxurious tents or at the spa. You can also enjoy the sunset from the resort’s Observation Tower while sipping champagne. If you’re feeling extra touristy, they’ll arrange for an elephant ride around the property. Creating an experience, according to Taj Group, is about taking the highlights of a destination’s local context and reinterpreting it in a modern way. Which is why the lesser-known historical city of Gwalior is their pick for an unusual, customised short holiday. Historic cities, often neglected, make for a wonderful escape in time. Providing a unique experiences is the Usha Kiran Palace in Gwalior that once played host to the King of England. Live like royalty and enjoy a specially organised tour of the village, just like an erstwhile visiting princes.

For Miller and Micato, it is Rajasthan that stands out among all the options India has to offer. “The fabulous properties in northern Rajasthan are very appealing to our guests. The combination of palace hotels and boutique-style hotels is most attractive.”

Kerala and its backwaters are an old favourite, but if you’re tired of the view from beachside properties, try a cruise on the Oberoi Vrinda. Eight deluxe air-conditioned cabins with timber floors, king-sized beds, and bar lounge on the upper deck ensure that you can soak in the picturesque backwaters without compromising on luxury.

One unexplored destination that’s sure to be rewarding, according to Jayasundera as well as Miller, is the Northeast. Plan your trip around the Hornbill Festival in Nagaland, held in the first week of December every year. Called the “festival of festivals”, it brings together all Naga tribes to showcase their culture. You can do all this in the lap of luxury thanks to The Ultimate Travelling Camp. A nomadic super luxury camp in Kohima, these are no ordinary tents — they come with rain showers, canopy beds and personal butlers.

The Ultimate Travelling Camp has camps, or ‘glamps’ (glamorous camping) , in Ladakh. The stunning vistas and gorgeous monasteries let you combine soul-searching with creature comforts. So what if you’re on the highest point in the subcontinent - it’s hardly reason enough to not have a soft bed and gourmet meals.