Words are funny things. They take on different meanings depending on the context and the person using them. A Mafia don uttering the words ‘I hope you continue to enjoy good health' means something very different from what someone close to us means when saying the same. A manager's lexicon is full of such utterances. A tongue-in-cheek look at some of them:

My doors are always open to you: Clearly music to an organisational innocent raising visions of a trusting and welcoming leader. More likely that the said door is open to perhaps ensure better ventilation. Most often the folks who make this statement have their hearts and minds permanently closed

I will get back to you: A positive approach that seems to imply a fair evaluation will be made of the merits of the case. Nothing can be farther from the truth - the reality is that a person's request will be either buried through the efflux of time or creative ways will be found to deny the person the thing that they seek.

We need to follow due process: This is a classic time-tested technique that seeks to imply that while the manager himself is open to saying yes, the organisation requires that things be done is a systematic manner and with due adherence to process. The real purpose is to transport any worthwhile idea on to a decision-making Mobius strip, thus ensuring its death by constant movement accompanied by zero probability of acceptance.

(To be continued)