Statements replete with possibilities that could swing in the other direction.

We can only offer you this post right now. But once you prove yourself, the sky is the limit. A statement that cleverly balances the need to stroke the job-seeker's ego even while assigning him to a lower position. A truly marvellous illustration of the adage that you can have your cake and eat it too. Any decision on elevating the person to a higher position can thus be deferred; and, who knows what might happen in the interim — the need for such a decision might itself be obviated.

Democracy and meritocracy are the twin pillars of our HR policy. Beware when you see these words inscribed in the HR manual! When the obvious has to be highlighted as a guiding principle of the company's HR practices, it is time to ask the natural question: Why would they say this unless they have something to hide?

They do. Democracy is defined as a two-way process where those ‘on high' speak and the others listen. Merit has many avatars of which only one refers to performance on the job.