Some readers point out that generalisation is not appropriate, but most say that some attributes make women better suited for sales roles. Some edited responses:

Realistic Promises

Customers buy a product or service to satisfy their needs, which may vary from basic to luxury to fashionable or egoistic. They are willing to buy when the sales presentation is practical and matches their expectations. Women are concerned about getting value for money and do not believe exaggerated claims. When they become salespersons, they adopt a realistic approach and build trust with customers first.

— V.A.S. Ragavan, Former Healthcare Marketer, Chennai

Earning Trust

‘God Is a Salesman' by marketing guru Mark Sevens deals with sales invariably being a quality of the salesperson rather than the product itself.

The thrust of sales is in treating the customer as family, making guarantees, story-telling and earning loyalty. Salespersons also need to be good listeners and articulate speakers.

In selling an intangible product such as insurance that relies heavily on a future promise and/or security of the family, I believe the women agent would beat any.

— V. Rajaraman, Iffco Tokio

Balanced Approach

Some attributes essential for sales are inherent in women:

Empathy: Putting yourself in the client's shoes is the primary ability of salespersons. It enables them to offer customised solutions based on client needs.

Relationships: Women have an innate inclination for forming long-lasting relationships, both personal and professional. Hence, clients see women as more accessible and reliable in after-sales support.

Multi-tasking: Research shows that women have more balanced brains that help them in multi-tasking. During the sales call, women tend to observe and get better cues about the prospect's expectations and wants; sometimes even more than what the prospect expressed.

— Deepa Unnithan Ratish, Bhavan's Royal Institute of Management, Cochin