Writer and philosopher Elbert Hubbard said, “Work to become, not to acquire”. A career is like a sapling – it needs to be nurtured for it to blossom.

Young workers should be paying greater attention to the long-term benefits of building a career and growing within an organisation, instead of regular job-hopping as a strategy to get ahead.

There are several advantages to demonstrating company loyalty and remaining with one organisation for a period of time, particularly when you reach management level. Building up experience within one company and establishing a track record of success can bring tangible career opportunities down the line. Having a career history with one organisation is also more likely to provide the opportunity to build strong professional relationships with colleagues and mentors, and the encouragement along the way from these supporters is also a definite bonus.

The organic path to building your career within one organisation and progressing through the ranks is a considered approach that can reap long-term results.

While not everyone may agree, my view is that overall, there is a better opportunity for someone to scale their career in the same company.

Reap the rewards

At the senior level, executive management staff who have grown their careers organically have not only experienced various economic cycles but also grown with the organisation as it has set its course through different times. This is invaluable experience. For professionals who may receive a job offer from another company, be aware that the grass is often not greener on the other side of the fence.

It’s also important not to think short-term when it comes to your career, even when there may be areas that frustrate you in your current work environment. Senior executives who have progressed their careers within one company receive a higher degree of trust. Building longevity with one organisation and a deep understanding of the company culture can also provide benefits such as being more productive in your role, which can assist with progressing your career even faster. Another benefit of building your career organically in one organisation is that you are able to take advantage of long term incentive plans.

Hence, make the most of these benefits as the perks only multiply as you go along.

While there are plenty of advantages to building your career organically, it is important to be aware that this approach to career growth still requires planning, dedication and being proactive.

You need to be clear about where you want to take your career and map out your path to it. It is absolutely crucial that you consistently position yourself to take advantage of opportunities to move both laterally and upwardly.

The goal, as with all career paths, is to be successful as successful professionals are entrusted with new opportunities first and rewarded the highest. Longevity is the name of the game and showcasing that can deliver quick rewards – how quick is in your hands.

The writer is Regional Director, Michael Page India