She’s more job-ready

For long, it’s been a lament of companies that young talent in India is not job-ready, and millions need to be invested in training. There’s some good news from India Skills Report 2017: employable population has gone up from 33 per cent in 2014 to 40 per cent this year. Interestingly, female candidates are more employable than their male counterparts. “Employability” tests look at domain excellence and skills such as communication ability, logical and analytical capability.

Uber rolls out rewards

Uber has launched an exclusive rewards programme, UberCLUB, for its driver partners in 10 cities across India. Given the dogfight between cab-hailing apps to earn drivers’ loyalty, this was inevitable. UberCLUB will be available in Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Kochi and Coimbatore. It offers products and services such as automobile insurance, vehicle and maintenance deals, health and wellness benefits.

How cool is your office?

Some people tend to feel more cold than others. Recognising that different people have different preferences when it comes to temperature control, Infosys has piloted an app called Comfy at its Mysore campus. The app helps employees to warm or cool their workplaces according to their needs and comfort using smartphones, laptops or computers. Comfy works over the building management systems and provides instant streams of cool air or warms the space and learns from occupant feedback.