What candidates want

What do jobseekers look for? A personalised approach in the recruitment process, an organisation that offers growth, recognition and work-life balance are some of the pulls, finds LinkedIn’s new report Inside the Mind of Today’s Candidates . According to the report, compensation remains the main reason why people switch jobs, with over 45 per cent respondents rating it as the top factor. Forty per cent said they would switch jobs if there were better skills and interest fit. Candidates also wanted a better recruiting experience and a feel of the company culture to decide whether they fit in.

What the workforce wants

Where would talent opt to work – an SME, an MNC, or a startup? No surprises here. Randstad India’s Workmonitor Survey shows that MNCs are still the most favoured employers, with 84 per cent of Indian respondents showing an inclination to work for them. Interestingly, globally only 55 per cent of total respondents preferred an MNC. Having said that, in India 76 per cent of respondents said they would like to work for a startup. Entrepreneurial ambition was highest among the Indian workforce with 56 per cent of overall survey respondents indicating they could leave their jobs to start their own business. However, there was a difference in response when dissected by age groups with those in age group 45-54 years reluctant to start their own business while those in the 25-34 year age bracket were most keen.