H e spearheads India’s largest direct-selling company – Amway – which clocked a turnover of over ₹2,000 crore last year, and sells over 140 consumer products. This post-graduate in commerce and economics from Delhi University who has studied business administration in Arizona, US, has had stints in FMCG, manufacturing and financial services. But direct selling is a different ball game altogether. As Anshu Budhraja, CEO, Amway India, says, the key is to give the right environment, the right incentive, the right opportunity and right training. His take on:

Keeping direct sellers – not employees but entrepreneurs – motivated

Direct sellers form an integral part of our business. Currently, we have more than 550,000 independent direct sellers associated with us, of which 60 per cent are women. Our fundamental approach at Amway is to provide a conducive ecosystem to entrepreneurship-minded people to pursue their goals. We partner our direct sellers to ensure our business objectives are aligned well with their personal goals. We strategically invest in skilling and nurturing entrepreneurship by offering free training. We have conducted more than 18,000 training sessions during an average 12-month period and also have a comprehensive digital learning portal. Recently we tied up with IIM Calcutta for a special course focused on entrepreneurship and leadership for identified high-potential direct sellers.

We have also tied up with the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship and have already trained and certified 6,000 entrepreneurs in the last nine months to be effective sales people. And some of this training too is through digital tools. Further plan is to get 10,000 entrepreneurs certified by end of 2018.

How direct selling, barred from e-commerce, can transform digitally

Our lives are completely digital today. However, as per the Direct Selling Guidelines issued in September 2016, dealing in products of a direct selling company through e-commerce channels is prohibited. Amway has on its website put up a prominent notice informing the general public that Amway products are sold only through Amway Direct Sellers and doesn’t guarantee purchases made from unauthorised sources.

Our products are available online only through our own website which currently contributes almost 35 per cent of Amway India’s revenues. We expect this percentage to increase significantly in the future. We are completely aligned with the Government’s vision of Digital India. Today Amway transfers close to 5 lakh payments digitally in a month into the bank accounts of the direct sellers. By 2030 we have a vision to convert it to 30 lakh a month.


Staying abreast of changing trends

I believe that the best way to stay updated is to read and keenly listen to people. I love connecting with people, as for me they are at the heart of all strategies. I am a keen listener of other people’s ideas, thoughts and suggestions, something that really helps me in keeping a fresh perspective. I constantly work towards nurturing relationships and challenging my team.

I live by and propagate the adage ‘Be bright, be brief, be gone’. Time is the most precious resource in business and life.

Every day after my morning walk, I like to read the latest Harvard Business Review articles and business news to keep myself updated. A constant source of daily fuel is innovation, planning for the future and leading a purpose-driven life.

The one management mantra he follows

I believe ‘future is built from future and not from our past’.

A book he would recommend to all managers

Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping Our Future by Ashlee Vance

De-stressing from work

Finding purpose in work creates an energising feeling which moves one beyond work life. I spend early morning hours of my day going for a walk, soaking in fresh air and sun – it helps me clear my mind for the day. In the evening, too, I go for long walks to reflect back on the day. I like to spend my weekends with my family which is a great de-stresser for me.