Today is World Mental Health Day, observed globally to raise awareness on the issue. While companies usually have policies to address physical health issues, the trend till now was to brush the issue of mental health under the carpet. But the good news is that more and more workplaces are beginning to talk about it, especially as stress and depression are having an increasingly detrimental impact on productivity. A recent survey by Mind Share Partners, a non-profit in the US that works with companies to improve mental health resources, finds that 60 per cent of the 1,500 people it surveyed have experienced symptoms of mental health issues in the last one year. Half of millennial respondents even quit a job due to mental health reasons.

In India too, companies have begun to address the issue. Gozoop, an integrated marketing solutions company, has introduced Mental Wellness Leaves for its employees this year — those undergoing therapy can take five working days off in a year.

At ride sharing company Uber India’s office, its employee resource group, Able at Uber, is raising awareness around mental health issues among the staff as well its business partners all through October.

Elevate yourself


The annual conference of The Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) India kicks off in the capital today with the theme of “Elevate”. The idea behind the theme is that HR leaders need to be elevated in order to create better workplaces — they need to elevate themselves in terms of skills as well as get an elevated place in the organisation.

Among others, Nestle India MD, Suresh Narayanan, will talk about what it takes for leaders and organisations to stay elevated through rapid change, through good times and through bad times! Also part of the discussion at the conference is a session on the need for digital fluency among today’s corporates. Technology and data have the power to bring an organisation together and propel it forward, but can only do so if leaders at all levels are equipped to harness that power.