Festive hiring cheer

India Inc expects to see a spurt in hiring of blue-collar and entry-level workers in Q3 2020, ahead of the festive season. The revival in hiring will be led by the e-commerce and ITeS segments, with logistics and food tech close behind. These are the findings thrown up by tech-powered HR platform OLX People’s first annual “Employer Sentiment Survey” conducted in June 2020 .

Eighty five per cent of employers surveyed said there may be an increase in the recruitment of blue-collar workers ahead of the festive season this year. Around 12 per cent of the organisations anticipated continuing the hiring freeze.

With a surge in hiring expected in the next quarter of the year, employers did reveal being concerned about anticipated shortage but do not expect blue-collar worker wages to be any higher than before.

Access to mentors matters

As jobs dry up, everybody is reskilling or upskilling with a vengeance. But a new survey by Springboard, an online platform for workforce upskilling, shows that while content and certification matter, professionals prefer to take an upskilling programme that gives them access to a mentor.

The survey reveals that a whopping 87.9 per cent respondents think access to a seasoned mentor can profoundly boost their career success and trajectory while 79.4 per cent feel that one of the best ways to transition to a position in a new industry is with the help of a mentor. Having access to an experienced mentor helps professionals identify and bridge their skill gaps and expedite knowledge acquisition to achieve their career goals.


Innoviti expands its ESOP benefits

Intelligent payment solutions, Innoviti, provider of payment solutions, has enhanced its ESOP pool to US$10 million with an objective to motivate, retain and attract employees. This pool was created as a part of the structuring carried out during its recent Series C fund raise from FMO and Bessemer. Innoviti’s ESOP scheme, constituted during pre-Series A, is open to all full-time employees of the company and is awarded based on performance and loyalty. With the recent enhancement, more than 30 per cent of all employees, from senior leaders to system architects, field officers and call centre executives, are now covered.

Covid-19 impact on millennials and Gen Z

Both millennials and GenZ are looking forward to sustained opportunities to work from home, reveals the ninth edition of the annual Deloitte Global Millennial Survey. This year’s survey consisted of two parts: a “primary” survey of 18,426 millennials and Gen Zs across 43 countries conducted between November 2019 and early January 2020, and a “pulse” survey of 9,100 individuals over 13 countries taken between April and May of 2020 in the midst of the worldwide pandemic. Indian respondents were a part of both surveys.

One of the stand-out findings was that the survey recorded a drop of more than 20 percentage points vis-à-vis the previous one, of millennials and Gen Zs who wanted to leave the organisation within two years. There was also a rise in those who wanted to stay beyond five years. Actions taken by employers to support employees, especially the focus on people before profits during the pandemic, has contributed to these high scores.