1. Calisthenics: It helps push beyond conventional limits. Pull-ups, push-ups, handstands and muscle-ups compose a repertoire that nurture perseverance and accomplishment.

2. Mindfulness: Amidst the chaos of the fashion and education, mindfulness is my sanctuary. Meditation and deep breathing are a daily routine bringing tranquillity.

3. Healthy Eating: I meticulously curate my meals. Whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats dominate my plate. Superfoods and hydration are essential, fuelling my body to power through demanding days with boundless vigour.

4. Sport: It holds a special place in my heart—spirited golf or an exhilarating rock climbing session, they ignite competitive spirit, maintain physical and mental fitness.

5. Quality time: Moments of relaxation, laughter and shared experiences with friends are priceless.

(The writer is Director, JD Institute of Fashion Technology)