1. Chilly bath: Mornings begin at 5:30 am with facial exercises, stretching and a 5-6 km walk. Climbing up and down100 steps, jal neti kriya, dipping my face in ice-cold water and a chilly bath, even during winter.

2. Nature treks: My most refreshing exercises involve nature — forest walks, mountain treks and wildlife photography. It opens every pore, recharges my soul.

3. Kulfi: I engage in 10-100 minutes of daily meditation for mental well being, read a new non-fiction book every month and newspapers daily. Stress control involves movies, massages, music and quality time with dog-son, Kulfi.

4. Sleep: Seven hours of early, uninterrrupted sleep — disengaging from stressful activities an hour before bedtime.

5. Food: Diet excludes sugar, excessive salt, white rice and red meat. Focus is on millet, vegetables, fish, dairy, fruits and dark chocolate at night. Black coffee kick-starts my mornings.

(The writer is CEO, SIS Group)