Holidays and chocolate seem to go together. For birthdays, Valentines Day, Halloween and Christmas, chocolate is everywhere. But there is one place chocolates should never be and that’s in your dog. Chocolate is toxic to dogs and it can kill them, says the US Food and Drug Adminsitration!

Chocolate contains theobromine, a compound in the same family as caffeine, and theophylline (an asthma drug). In certain quantities, theobromine is toxic to dogs. In general, the minimum toxic theobromine dose for dogs ranges from 46 to 68 mg/lb. Half the dogs that consume 114 to 228 mg/lb or greater of theobromine will die.

Lots of things can play a role in whether your dog will have a toxic reaction including the amount of chocolate your dog ate, its size, and if it is extra-sensitive to theobromine. One of the most important things in chocolate toxicity is the kind of chocolate your dog ate. Different types of chocolates contain different amounts of theobromine milk chocolate, semisweet chocolate chips, baking chocolate, etc.

Theobromine toxicity can cause a variety of signs ranging from mild to severe and include, vomiting, diarrhoea, rapid heart rate, restlessness, hyperactivity, increased urinating, muscle spasms, and seizures. If you think your dog has eaten chocolate, call your veterinarian immediately! Only your vet can determine the proper treatment for your pet.

Something certainly to keep in mind, as India celebrates Diwali and sweets and chocolate gifts are exchanged in plenty.