A handshake here, a high-five there, amazing energy boosters!

1 A happy start to the day gets things rolling on the right note. I look out of the window, and take in the sky, trees, birds and squirrels who are already merrily at work before I am up. I wake my child up with a new fun activity each day, and things are already feeling good.

2 A day of focus on ideas, not people and incidents, is my kind of a day. I thrive on solutions, minimising the time I complain about problems. Usually by breakfast time I have already had a few ideas to fuel my day with. Breakfast is light, and includes some fruit and nuts in it.

3 Stop eating before you are full, is the mantra to eat whatever you like but still be fit. I let my mind tell me how much to eat, and not my stomach. I also limit snacks, and avoid late-night eating.

4 An evening walk in the park with natural sights and sounds is my favourite exercise. I like to absorb the chirping of birds and the squealing of the children at play, and have never used headphones and music with beats or simulated sounds for my walks. A handshake here, a high-five there and a greeting to some elderly neighbours sitting on the benches are all amazing energy boosters.

5 A good night’s sleep is finally a healthy wrap-up to a day well lived, and is best ushered in with a few minutes of a good read. I aim to have at least seven hours of sleep, which is not just akin to charging batteries but is also maintenance time when the body and mind self-repair the wear and tear of the day, and get me geared up for a great tomorrow.