Farshid Cooper

MD, Spenta Corporation

1 I am an early riser and my day begins at 6 am. It starts with a glass of warm water and then I directly hit the gym. My workout is heavy on cardio and less of weights. Once I am done, I have my favourite morning beverage, hot black coffee.

2 A balanced diet is extremely essential for healthy living. With my busy schedule, I try eating on a regular basis through the day. Ideally I would want to eat every two hours to keep my energy and hunger levels stable. I am lactose intolerant and enjoy eating fish which is rich in protein. Basically you can call me pescatarian!

3 I play football regularly. My stress busters include spending at least half an hour reading fiction and at times watching documentaries of interesting personalities and leaders. I like treks and one of my favourite experiences has been in Leh and Ladakh. I like skiing too, once a year, and have enjoyed skiing in Sweden, France, Austria, Italy, and Switzerland.

4 With advanced technology and availability of information at all times, I have a digital detox for myself for two hours while I work out. This gives me peace of mind, extremely important for every individual.

5 My night often involves playing boardgames with my daughter and wife, a perfect stress buster at the end of the day, after her studies and my work.