1. I usually wake up around 5.30 am on weekdays and get some light exercise from walking my dog. As I follow intermittent fasting, I generally skip breakfast and have just coffee before leaving for work.

2. I work out for an hour 3-4 days a week, with cardio being integral to it. I jog for about 30 minutes before my workout. If I don’t find the time, I try to squeeze in a bit of cardio at least.

3. I believe that workout and diet go hand-in-hand. I am conscious about what I eat. I watch my calories and avoid oily food, carbs, and sugar. I do intermittent fasting for 16 hours. So, dinner by 9 pm and the next meal around 1 pm the next day.

4. Sport is an integral part of my life. I love basketball, and usually play on weekends. I also play badminton, squash, and tennis.

5. I don’t have any shutdown or wake-up routine. Five to six hours of sleep are enough for me. I sleep around 11 pm.