1 I go to the gym in the morning for about 45 minutes, five times a week for a mix of the treadmill and weights. It’s a recent development after ultimatums from my wife about my blossoming tummy!

2 Breakfast is cereal with milk and toast with egg (or sausages), plus juice. Lunch is a vegetarian thali from the office cafeteria.

3 As work involves long workdays and working weekends, I try to go on two-three short holidays, which are preferred over a single, long holiday. But work continues even on holidays, unfortunately. Airlines are a 24x7 business.

4 My de-stressers are music and photography. I prefer classic rock (Queen, Floyd, Beatles, etc) and soft rock (Foreigner, Fleetwood Mac, etc), besides RD Burman / Kishore Kumar hits. My photography is of people, cityscapes, and aircrafts!

5 I hit the sack by midnight, after a regular dinner, unwinding over a beer, wine or Baileys on the rocks (one glass is good for the heart, I tell myself). There is no hard liquor ever, and I have never smoked in my life!