Exercise outdoors, it’s dynamic


1 I am usually up by 4 am, catch a train to the mountains (Sahyadri) as I prefer to train outdoors where the elements of nature such as rain, cold, humidity come into play. Unlike training in a gym, exercising outdoors is more dynamic and fun. Remember to get your heart rate up and sweat enough to reap benefits!

2 Food is fuel for body and mind. So, eat clean, and focus on whole foods. More veggies and fruits and less packed and preservative filled food.

3 Hydrate as much as possible, at least two litres of water a day if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, more if you are active.

4 It is important to sleep good number of hours daily. Elite athletes sleep for 12-14 hours a day to recover from tough training. Get at least seven hours of sleep and don’t compromise on this as it helps you live a longer and better life.

5 Keep stress at bay. Exercise produces Endorphins chemicals that act as natural painkillers and also improve the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress. Meditation is another effective stress-buster.

Kuntal Joisher