Ameera Shah, MD & CEO, Metropolis Healthcare

1 I normally take small meals frequently, which is better than long periods without food followed by a heavy meal. Improving your diet is not as difficult as most people claim. It is simply a case of balancing what we eat.

2 Exercise increases your life span. I make sure to walk at least half an hour every day. I regularly play tennis and love the outdoors, including trekking.

3 Books are a perfect way to unwind! Some books give you perspective. They introduce you to different ideas about the meaning of life and success, beyond money and power.

4 The mind, body and soul need to be in harmony so no inner conflict or spiritual disharmony pulls me down. I make sure my relationships are healthy and bring out the best in me and keep my emotions healthy.

5 Most people believe that feeling fit from the outside and looking good in the mirror are good indicators of overall wellness. This is not true; 95 per cent of life threatening diseases begin inside our bodies. My motto is an hour of prevention is far better than one year of treatment.