1 I always make it a point to take out one hour for exercise every day. It does not change even when I travel on work. I do half an hour of cardio followed by half an hour of weights to keep my weight in check. When in Delhi, I rely on my trainer to guide me through my training and when travelling I ask him to prepare a schedule.

2 The day starts with a healthy breakfast and my mantra is to eat right so you have the energy to work efficiently. Breakfast includes multi-grain oats with skimmed milk and two boiled eggs. I take a fruit every two hours, an apple/banana/kiwi, etc. Lunch is normally light and dinner is at 8 pm. I do not smoke or take alcohol (which is limited and restricted to occasions).

3 While travelling, I use hotel gyms for regular workouts and stick to the meal plans.

4 I end my day with half an hour to surf for news or a comedy programme, on the television or mobile phone. This keeps me updated on happenings around the world and relax my mind before going to bed with a dose of laughter.

5 I hit the bed at 11 and the rule is not to use electronic devices — mobile, iPad, television, once in bed. This is the reason I have not installed a television in the bedroom. It is important for me to get a good night’s sleep and for at least six hours. The brain then gets sufficient rest, a prerequisite for a successful entrepreneur.

Rachit Chawla , Director, Finance & Technology, Risers Accelerator