You’re at the beach, slathered in sunscreen. Your 5-month-old baby is there, too. Should you put sunscreen on her? Not usually, says Hari Cheryl Sachs, a pediatrician at the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA).

“The best approach is to keep infants under 6 months out of the sun,” Sachs says, “and to particularly avoid exposure to the sun in the hours between 10 am and 2 pm, when ultraviolet (UV) rays are most intense.”

Sunscreens are recommended for children and adults. What makes babies so different? “Babies’ skin is less mature compared to adults, and infants have a higher surface-area to body-weight ratio compared to older children and adults,” explains Sachs. “Both these factors mean that an infant’s exposure to the chemicals in sunscreens may be much greater, increasing the risk of side effects from the sunscreen.”

“The best protection is to keep your baby in the shade, if possible,” Sachs says. “If there’s no natural shade, create your own with an umbrella or the canopy of the stroller.”

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests dressing infants in lightweight long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and brimmed hats that shade the neck to prevent sunburn. Tight weaves are better than loose ones. Keep in mind that while baseball caps are cute, they don’t shade the neck and ears, sensitive areas for a baby.

“Younger infants also don’t sweat like we do,” Sachs says. “Sweat naturally cools the rest of us down when we’re hot, but babies haven’t yet fully developed that built-in heating-and-cooling system. So you want to make sure your baby doesn’t get overheated.”

“In the heat, babies are also at greater risk of becoming dehydrated. To make sure they’re adequately hydrated, offer them their usual feeding of breast milk or formula,” says Sachs. “The water content in both will help keep them well hydrated.”

Source: USFDA